Family Food & Shelter 23. A typical breakfast consists of: Soya milk with sticky rice. 24. A typical lunch consists of: Rice, vegetables, fish, sometimes a little meat. 25. A typical dinner consists of: Rice, vegetables, fish, sometimes a little meat. 26. Are you satisfied with your food? Yes. 27. Does your family rent or own your house? We own our house, but the land belongs to the government. 29. If you own, did you buy the house or inherit it? We paid for the house. 30. Is it government subsidized? The government owns the land. 31. How much did it cost to buy? How did you do it? In 1980, RMB 20,000 Yuan. We paid cash. (At that time, this sum was about $10,000 US). 32. How many rooms and how many square feet is it? The house has 1 living room, 3 bedrooms, 3 kitchens, 5 storage rooms. 250-300 square meters of land. Add about 50% for upper floor area (mostly all used for storage). 33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? No. Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? All family members are literate except Wu Ba Jiu and the babies, Xue and Ki.